Chronic fatigue affects many people, both young and old, and while there are several causes for ongoing extreme tiredness, one of the most common causes is immune scarring. Immune scarring hamstrings the immune system into mistaking the glandular fever virus (which 98% of the world’s population has had contact with) for specific defence chemicals in the seeds of some of the plants we eat, particularly cereal grains like wheat. chronic
I published No More Chronic Fatigue—Improving Immune Strength and Efficiency in 2000 after completing about 4,000 case studies through my clinic during the 1990s. The aim of the book was to give a basic understanding of this immune problem and give people tools to undertake their own personal trials to permanently remove chronic fatigue and a host of accompanying ill-health symptoms.
I have now completed more than 10,000 case studies that relate to chronic fatigue and have evolved more options for those suffering it, however I still believe that this book is timeless—it is practical. It ties together the weakening of immune systems through the herpes group of viruses, the effects of the few dozen cereal grain defence chemicals, such as gluten, and the connection with emotional stress.
It is mostly about lifestyle, a little about a medicine that you can make yourself if you wish, and the steps that you need to undertake to know that you can heal yourself without doctors’ interference, or a tremendous cost in supplementation. It’s filled with practical advice, is not too scientific and is logical in its approach. So grab a digital or hard copy today and discover how you can boost your immune system and turn your health around. We also offer workshops based on this book- please contact us, and the advances since its publication, all of which can greatly assist your health and wellbeing.
Check out the first chapter of the book here: