Treating Long Covid
This is the first blog I have posted about Covid related matters in more than two years following ‘coercion’ by the TGA that I not publish health information related to Covid-19 and accompanying treatments This coercion included a substantial fine and the threat of...
Is Your Current Treatment Not Helping with your Back Pain
There are two broad categories of back pain. One type is back pain resulting from a known physical injury and the other is back pain that just occurs for unknown reasons and there is no memory of having been injured (non specific cause). Each needs to be treated with...
Treatment for Chronic Diseases/Illnesses
If you have a chronic disease there are only three ways you can treat it. You can use medicines, therapies or lifestyle. You can either choose to get professional help, learn Self-therapies or undertake a combination of these over time. (Note: your body is self...
Spike Protein Vaccinations—are they a ticking time bomb?
Lets talk about the Covid Protein Vaccination. When you were six years old your favourite aunt kissed you on the lips and transferred a potentially deadly virus into your body, which you experienced as glandular fever—the Epstein-Barr virus. Then it was forced into...
Understanding the responses to a Coronavirus Infection and those to Spike Protein Vaccinations
The Questions You Should be Asking About Covid-2 Infections Eleven people, about the same age, get into a lift. One person has Covid-2 and is infectious—and they sneeze a few times. Each person inhales millions of virus over the next three minutes before they exit the...
How is the Quality and Meaning in your Life?
Lets look at what you have to do to have more meaning in your life—well you have to take on the understanding that life is suffering, and you have to put yourself together in the face of that. And that’s hard. It’s amazing that people even do it. People do awful...
Using Lifestyle to Change Your Gene Behaviour
When the doctor says you have a genetic disease, what does this mean? Does it mean that the downward progression of your health is out of your hands? You may be surprised to know that the progression of many genetic diseases can be stopped by living a certain...
Deeks can Help You Through this Covid Pandamic
The latest research is suggesting that over the next two years, the Covid Pandamic virus (1) will permanently establish in the human population, similar to influenza, RSV, the existing coronaviruses and dozens of respiratory viruses that everyone experiences from time...
Unload, Boost, and Focus Your Immune System Against Covid-19
A few people have asked me why I had stopped writing health blogs, over the last few months. The answer was that I felt I couldn’t rely on the published ‘science’ regarding the present Covid-19 pandemic. The internet atmosphere had become political. There was fake...
Cellular Processes essential for Optimal Mental and Physical Health, as you Age
The Cellular Processes essential for Optimal Mental and Physical Health, as you Age Are you looking after your Physical Health, as you Age? When your kitchen gets messy because you are not washing up, or consistently removing any uneaten food from the benchtops,...
Focus on Your Health Competence
Start focusing on Your Health. The Covid-19 pandemic is now moving more into politics, and it will be more and more difficult to really know the truth. Our communities are starting to be driven into opposing camps of understanding. However, even if SAR-CoV-2 has been...
How to Buffer SARS-CoV-2, if it Evolves
Improve your Competency in Life-skills to Buffer Viral-induced Respiratory Illnesses For 30 years I have been working clinically with people who have compromised and scarred immune systems, taking them through self-trials to uncover the best lifestyles, natural...
Dissolving Emotional Stress using Neuro Emotional Techniques (NETs)
In short, Neuro Emotional Techniques (NETs) remove the locked-up physiological states in order to release the somato-psychic driven mental blocks stopping a person from “moving-on” to a better quality of life. On the Gold Coast in the late 1980s I completed a course...
How You can be More Competent in Maintaining Great Health
How You can be More Competent in Maintaining Great Health We are aware that when we consult a doctor, the consultation will probably last for only several minutes. If the doctor cannot make a diagnosis or determine a drug for the illness, we will be...
Where to in the Future
Where to in the Future I have found my thoughts turning more and more to the direction the Australian and world political authorities are leading humanity. The reality is starting to dawn on most people, of the...
Looking Ahead
The sociocultural adjustments we have been enduring, due to the CoVid19 shutdown, could possibly herald the biggest social adjustment of our generation. Decisions in the next few weeks, made by people in power, in their attempts to control the coronavirus, will shape...
Lifestyle Techniques to Boost your Chances for Defeating Coronavirus
Throughout your life you have probably had dozens of influenza infections, and innumerable colds. From these experiences you pretty well know what to do to get through the illnesses they produce. However this new cold virus, the COVID-19, has...
Is the present caronavirus pandemic a ‘Storm in a Teacup’?
Coronavirus is listed in medical textbooks as one of the causes of the common 'cold'. The common 'cold' is considered to be the most common human disease we experience—everyone gets two to three infections a year, and children can have several, and we usually don't...
Fight the Coronavirus—change over to a totally grain-free diet and boost your immune system
How can having a grain-free diet can help boost your immune system The current coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19), is caused by a SARS cross corona, non-human vector virus. This virus mostly will pass from one person to another via respiratory micro-droplets...
Let Common Sense Prevail about the Coronavirus Cold Virus
You are probably beginning to understand that the coronavirus is one of your everyday common cold viruses, which infects the upper respiratory tract—it is everywhere. You probably have some in your nose right now! The common cold is considered to be the most...
Try a Grain-free Detox—a quick and easy method to improve your health.
Before the large supermarkets became established in the 1960s, most Australian families lived on their quarter acre blocks, and planted fruit trees, and grew seasonal vegetables and salads. Many families also had chickens, and near the country towns it was not...
Is Fructose Frying your Relationships
To have and maintain loving relationships require that you weave your life with another person's. So is Fructose Frying your Relationships? This weaving requires you to surrender part of yourself, while they too must also do this—so that the fabric of the...
Do You Know What Your Purposes for Life Are?
Do You Know What Your Purposes for Living Are? Have you ever felt that something is missing in your life, that your life-quality is less than it should be? So many of us walk through life, experiencing periods of listlessness and we yearn for a deeper connection with...
There is No Cure For Cancer
There is no cure for cancer. Medical science, governments, universities, and institutions—are fixated on curing this disease—and there is no lack of knowledge around cancer, but I wonder if the answers we are generating are being viewed through the lens of the wrong...
Why Did Olivia Newton-John’s Cancer Return After 25 Years?
Science is now recognising that most, around ninety percent, of all cancers are driven by lifestyle-environment factors, hence over the decades there has been much pure research investigating a holistic approach to cancer, however commercial and establishment medical...
You Can Stop Endometriosis
For twenty years we have had really good success at removing the symptoms of endometriosis through our medicine; self-therapy; lifestyle programs such as our KickStart Program. When we first started and had very high success rates, the medical system was still...
The Real Victims of the War On Health – You.
Cancer and autoimmune diseases, in some respects can be thought of as 'wake-up' diseases. By that I mean that they are a 'wake-up call' to the patient that his or her life is out of control—that they have major life-style issues and they MUST be addressed for good...
Take Control: How You Can Starve Cancer Cells With Lifestyle, Not Drugs.
There are three causes of cancer. There are the genetic causes, estimated to be between 5-10% of all cancers; The familial (hereditary) causes estimated to be between 3-10%; And, then there are the environment/lifestyle causes estimated to be 80-90% of all cancers....
A Breathalyzer Test For Lung Cancer
It is known that dogs can smell tumors, because there are distinct chemicals produced by a cancer mass when it surpasses a certain size. Recently a team of Israeli, American, and British cancer researchers have developed a device to detect lung cancer, just by...
Going Beyond Exercise for Sustainable Weight Loss
For chronic weight gain that you cant seem to shift you may need to go beyond diet and exercise and uncover additional triggers of weight gain. The first place to look is to your immune system which underpins all other body functions, including metabolism and fat...
Even Monkeys have Problems with Fruits!
Fructose is found in three forms in our diet—as free fructose (in fruits, honey, high fructose corn syrup, agave nectar, etc.), as part of table sugar (glucose+fructose), and in most vegetables and grains—along with chains of fructose molecules, known as fructans....
High-Fat Diets To Starve Cancer Cells
Cancer is a genetic disease because we can inherit mutations associated with increased cancer risk, but most of these mutations are in fact linked to disruptions in the way a cancer cell is able to use energy to survive. Cancer causing mutations are closely linked to...
The Cure For Cancer is in ‘New Paradigm Medicine’
“… cancer, in particular, will be appreciated as a disease of the mind as well as the body and treated at centres where body, mind and spirit are considered. One day, cancer will be cured by interventions that release emotions in a controlled fashion… and will actually cure or prolong high quality life in many cancers. Whatever the pain, it’s actually the brain where it is perceived. Sophisticated biofeedback methods instead of drugs or surgery will be used to treat it more successfully…”
The Key To Understanding Mental Deterioration
Constant contact with chemicals through our lifestyle and in our foods is most often the cause of long term mental illnesses.
Transcend Cancer
Being told by your doctor that you have cancer is a sure way to remind you of your mortality. Being diagnosed with a cancer mass however, is not necessarily a death sentence. Many people survive cancer without chemotherapy or radiation and it is believed that each of us have had spontaneous remission of many cancer micro-masses throughout our lives..
The Attitude That Beats Cancer
Over the years researchers have looked at a range of attitudes that people present as they attempt to prevent their cancer from returning following the hospital treatments. Typically these attitudes have related to being: optimistic vs. pessimistic; passive...
Cancer Is A Disease of Civilisation
Being diagnosed with a cancer mass is the result of something about your mental and physical health being wrecked. Diagnosis is not in any way, a death knell, but it is a wake-up call, telling you that there are other deeper issues taking you away from a potential...
Anti-cancer Diets – Which One To Follow & How Do You Know?
My perspective on diets and cancer is based on my training as a biologist, not as a nutritionist, nor a doctor and although I have studied modern ‘science-based’ nutrition/diets, I still support the old-school ideas.
Using Light to Improve Long-term Health Following Cancer Treatments
Using Light to Improve Long-term Health Following Cancer Treatments
How And Why Does A Normal Cell Revert To A Cancer Cell?
How does a cancer cell form? Cancer is an incredibly complicated disease and it is acknowledged that, just as every person is unique, every cancer mass is unique, and can have hundreds of different mutations in its cells
Has Mainstream Science Been Looking In The Wrong Place For A Cure For Cancer?
What is the force that keeps cells of an organ mutually committed to act as a community? What causes some cells of an organ to stop acting as a community cell, and become cancerous in behavior?
The Law of Attraction And Its Limitations
How can you use the ‘law of attraction’ to improve the quality of your life?
When You Have Cancer There Is One Virus You MUST Shut Down To Overcome It
The Epstein–Barr virus is one of eight known viruses in the herpes family, and is one of the most common viruses in humans, with more than 95 percent of the world's population suspected of having this human virus, either active or dormant in their bodies. This virus...
Spontaneous Remission in Cancer Sufferers
Every person on this planet has cancer cells in their body and specific immune cells continually keep the numbers low so that they cannot form a mass, block the function of the organ and cause death. It is interesting to understand that if all the cancer cells in your...
Chocolate: is it really ‘black gold’?
Like a good cup of tea or coffee, the ‘black gold’ of South America is something most of us enjoy, and there are health benefits to be had.
Balancing Attachment in Loving Relationships
Loving someone can be an opportunity to grow spiritually— the key is finding the balance in your attachment.
What Am I Doing In This Relationship?
Knowing why you’re in a relationship can allow you to either repair a damaged partnership or step out of it so you don’t waste the moments of your life.
Brain Chemistry A Key Factor in Maintaining Loving Relationships
Fructose disrupts brain chemistry and, in turn, can decay loving relationships. Discover how to test if your chemistry is ‘out’.
3 Types of Intimate Relationships
There are three key types of intimate relationships that help us understand the success and failure of partnerships. Can you relate to any of them?
Contribution the key to growing relationships
Contribution can grow your personal relationships – just like tending to your garden – kindness and understanding allow love to bloom.
How to Maintain Loving Relationships
Love can make your world go round. When you fall in love with someone it can light up your heart and soul. But how do you maintain that passion and drive?
Why You Should Detox Your Liver & Gut
Petrochemicals build up in your intestines, liver and kidneys, in turn weakening your immune system. That’s why it’s essential to detoxify your organs!
Eat and Be Merry This Christmas
Christmas involves food, lots of food. And for those on a ‘restricted’ diet, family feasts can seem challenging. But it is possible to have your cake and eat it too!
Sensationalism and reporting medical research
The often sensationalised reporting of medical research usually stems from the researchers themselves. So how much should we believe?
Red Meat and Cancer: There’s much more to the story
While preservatives found in some processed meats can impact human health, good quality red meat does not cause cancer.
Collage: A powerful tool to help you make better decisions
A collage is a powerful meditation tool that can help you make better decisions in your life to follow your sweet path.
Cholesterol: your body’s essential fatty ingredient
Cholesterol is not all bad for you—in fact your body needs it, particularly for the production of testosterone.
Eating paleo can be limiting so find your Customized Diet Plan
Eating a strict paleo diet can be limiting because it defines grains based on agronomy. The key is to consider grains based on botany and find Your Signature Diet.
Resolving emotional stress the key to weight loss
There’s more to weight loss than diet and exercise. If emotional ‘heaviness’ is not addressed, then physical weight is unlikely to budge or stay off.
Stop hayfever in its tracks
Are you tired of using antihistamines, eye drops and nasal sprays to get you through the changing seasons? There’s one magic cure that can help you.
Beyond gluten: Why eat grain-free?
Your body has to work hard to digest grains – some can do this easily while others become ill. Are grains making you sick?
Unleash Your Happiness By Changing Your Beliefs
Do you think negatively? Think you’re ‘ugly’ or ‘stupid’? Find out how to stop disempowering thoughts and unleash your happiness!
All diets can be proven – so ignore them all!
Why do ‘proven’ diets work for one person and not for another? The fact is there is no one diet to suit everyone. The key is to find your unique Signature Diet!
Cancer explained: signs and symptoms
The word cancer strikes fear into the heart of most—but it doesn’t have to be that way. Feel more in control by improving your understanding of the disease.
Fructose intolerance: is the sweet stuff making you sick?
Fructose can overload the liver and disrupt brain function, making it a sweet poison for many people.
The Immune System and Your Health
The key factors impacting the efficiency of your immune system and steps you can take to boost your overall health.
Vaccinations and alternative options
How vaccinations work, how you can best prepare your immune system before receiving them, and alternative options.
Cancer recovery and the Melody of Healing
If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, your immune system is in poor shape. Find out what you can do to boost your immune system and keep your cancer cells in check.
Working with the Immune System
Your immune system underpins your entire mental and physical wellbeing—but how does it actually work?
No More Chronic Fatigue: Book
No More Chronic Fatigue: this book will help you boost your immune system to eliminate chronic fatigue, illness and disease.
Food Pyramids and Healthy Eating
Is Australia’s new Healthy Eating Pyramid moving a little closer toward a paleo-friendly diet?
Building Your Brain With Butter
Most of us have grown up thinking butter is bad for us but really it’s a superfood that can fuel our brain power!
Are bad breath, dry lips hurting your kiss-ability?
Do you suffer from bad breath or dry lips? Is it impacting your kiss-ability? Find out how to keep your breath fresh and your lips soft.
Quinoa: your paleo-friendly superfood
Quinoa is touted as one of today’s superfoods—but what is it and can you eat it as part of a paleo or grain-free diet?
Beliefs & Your Happiness
We create beliefs to anchor our understanding of the world around us. But sometimes our beliefs can bring unhappiness. The good news is you can change your beliefs!
Colds and Influenza: Part 2
There are many home treatments and natural remedies that can help you overcome cold and flu symptoms this winter.
Colds and Influenza: Part 1
Cold and flu symptoms are principally caused by your immune system overacting and in turn overloading the lymphatic system.
Why do we behave the way we do?
There are three basic needs that everyone uses to survive and it’s these needs that dictate how we behave and grow our character.
We are Human because we Cook our Foods
Humans are genetically adapted to eat cooked foods – in fact cooking made us human.
Gut Ecosystems and Your Health
Balancing the millions of microbes in your gut is vital to achieving long-term health.
Book review: How we’ve been duped into thinking fats are bad
The story on how fats became the dieting enemy and why butter and meat belong in a healthy diet.
Eat fat and get rid of ‘belly fat’
Many people believe eating fat, such as butter, makes us fat. Most health professionals and nutritional guidelines advise avoiding fat if we want to lose weight. But that does not have to be the case. Eating fat from animals only makes us fat when we combine it with...
Epstein-Barr virus: The master of disguise
Many of us carry the Epstein-Barr virus which can stay undetected and trigger autoimmune disease and cancer.
Is there Such a Thing as a Cancer Personality?
Imagine being able to prevent cancer by building an anticancer personality.
Find Your Signature Diet
Your immune system is as unique as your fingerprints, and it handles microbes and toxins in foods in its own unique way.
Your dreams and your spiritual journey
Dreams may hold the key to your spiritual journey. But what are dreams?
Pneumonia: companion of sadness, loss
Pneumonia is a quite common lung inflammatory condition. But did you know many cases of pneumonia are linked to sadness and loss?
Maximising your longevity
Some people think our hunter-gatherer ancestors only lived to 40 years of age and that our modern technology, plentiful food and medical and social systems have increased our longevity. In some ways this is true, but there is more to the story.
Recognising and changing negative self-talk
Recognising your negative self-talk is the first step in a spiritual journey of character development.
A greater chance of stopping Multiple Sclerosis
Combining immunotherapy and lifestyle changes can increase the chances for total remission from multiple sclerosis.
Why a Coeliac Becomes a Coeliac.
At one end of the scale, some people can eat any food, in any volume or combination, at any time of day or night, and remain totally symptom free and healthy throughout the whole of their lives.
Money can bring happiness if you have meaning
While money can buy joy and fun, it does not buy complete happiness, love or a higher purpose of spiritual meaning.
The paleo diet in truth is not so paleolithic
The modern paleo diet can take various forms but are any truly paleolithic?
The Strength and Efficiency of Your Immune System
Nutrition to your immune system is like petrol to your car. Petrol is necessary to make your car go, but does it improve the way it drives around corners?
Connecting grains and disease
Does the medical system really understand the connection between grains and chronic disease?
Angelina Jolie’s rare breast cancer
While Angelina Jolie’s story may have helped raise awareness of breast cancer as a whole, it is important people seek their own understanding of the disease.
Your Brain, Mind & Sense of Self
Your experiences and the way you interpret them influence your mind through the hard-wiring of your brain.
Plants in the human diet
Plants can be incredibly beneficial for human health but they can also be incredibly destructive.
Expanding the Paleo Diet
A paleo diet has a lot to offer, but it can be challenging to stick to long-term. The key is to create your own Signature Diet!
Fructose, Killing Us Softly?
Fructose is Satan’s sugar. It is a primary factor in gastrointestinal illness, obesity and mental disorders.
Bill Giles & Larisa Zoska
121 Newman Morris Circuit, Oxley ACT 60 Mount Road Bowral NSW
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9am - 5pm Mon- Fri
9am - 12pm Sat