The Epstein–Barr virus is one of eight known viruses in the herpes family, and is one of the most common viruses in humans, with more than 95 percent of the world’s population suspected of having this human virus, either active or dormant in their bodies. This virus is an opportunist virus, much like its cousin, the cold sore virus (Herpes simplex). This virus is able to recognise when your immune system becomes weakened, and it then activates. The Epstein-Barr virus is recognised as the principal cause of many cancers, and autoimmune diseases.
In 1976, scientists at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden when studying the chromosomes (lengths of DNA) of cancer cells in Burkitt’s lymphoma, which is directly caused by the activity of the Epstein-Barr virus, noticed that the same sequence of one particular chromosome always breaks off, and re-attaches to a different chromosome. This chunk was identified as a cancer-driving gene (an oncogene called C-myc). This cancer-driving gene usually tells cells to reproduce when the times and body conditions are right. In healthy cells this gene activity is tightly controlled, but in Burkitt’s lymphoma and other cancers, this cancer-driving gene becomes permanently switched on, giving the cells instructions to keep growing—to behave like a cancer cell does.
Epstein Barr virus-linked cancers develop due to a combination of factors, but they share one thing in common—a swing in the delicate ‘war’ between immune system defences against viral populations and the viruses attempting to increase their population. Scientists now know that the ability of our immune defences to keep the Epstein-Barr virus in check, is one of the crucial barriers stopping cancers forming. (
The lack of a robust immune defence against the Epstein Barr virus, caused by emotional stress, poor sleep, plant phyto-chemicals, drugs, disease, and other lifestyle factors, in combination with small variations in our inherited gene structure, means that our immune cells will have times when they cannot identify that the Epstein Barr virus population, and then it will increase in the body. When the virus begins to run riot, it produces large amounts of the proteins that cause the C-myc oncogene to switch on, and change a normal cell into a cancer cell. It must be remembered that this virus has been found in all types of human tissue, and because of this, the Epstein-barr virus has the potential to be linked at some level, with almost all types of cancers.
You don’t need monthly blood tests to determine the activity of this virus in your body. You can determine the state of aggression of this virus yourself in your home. Although scientific medicine does not yet have medicines or therapies to shut this virus down, I have successfully used an effective oral immunisation for twenty-five years, on tens of thousands of people, to shut this virus down within a few weeks. This immunisation is inexpensive, and you can determine its effectiveness from day to day. Although it is not a ‘once off’ immunisation, it is always effective as a stimulant to shut-down the viral populations.
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