People with normally functioning organs feel healthy. They wake in the mornings refreshed. There are no aches, pains, no sinus blockages, their skin is clear, they do not bloat, their bowel movements are comfortable and regular. Healthy people may have occasional symptoms when an organ temporarily dysfunctions. But if you continually experiences uncomfortable symptoms, there is a great chance that you can eliminate them permanently by improving the function of your detoxifying organs—the intestines, liver, kidney—and refocusing your immune system. Gut Liver Immune Cleanse
Bisphenol-A (BPA) is used to make most plastics and epoxy resins for water bottles, sports equipment, CDs, DVDs, thermal receipts, household water pipes, the coatings on the inside of food and drink cans, in the flame retardants added to seats, in mattresses, carpets, car upholstery, as part of shampoos, aftershaves, deodorants, antibacterial soaps and so many other items with which we come into contact daily. When we are tired, under stress, or down with illness, these chemicals have a greater chance of lodging within our bodies—in our fat cells, liver, brain, lungs, heart, lymph, connective tissue—in fact accumulations of these chemicals have been found in all organs, including the joints and skeletal tissues (connected with pain and inflammation).
Since these commercial petrochemicals are not a natural part of earth environments, our bodies don’t naturally cope with them, and can have real difficulty regularly removing them from our bodies in the normal way. If they do accumulate, they can pass the blood-brain barrier and influence memory, cause brain fog and reduce brain plasticity. They can accumulate in the heart muscles and artery walls and contribute to blood pressure problems; they can influence libido and sexual function; hinder blood sugar regulation; contribute to poor vision; increase tiredness, joint pain, inflammation; and produce chronic symptoms.
BPAs mimic oestrogen responses and change the way cell growth occurs. Because of this, BPAs are now banned from baby bottles and infant formula packaging. Most governments accept that these invented chemicals are hazardous to foetuses, infants, children and ‘probably’ adults, during those times when their health is compromised.
Even if you eat organic food, drink filtered water, and use natural products in your home, you will still be in contact with these chemicals. These chemicals are everywhere: brominated flame retardants, heavy metals, dioxins, benzo(a)pryenes from automobile exhaust fumes, mercury from the fish you eat, arsenic from chicken flesh, and the pesticides that are in our fruits and vegetables. How do you create a buffer to stop accumulating these common commercial chemicals during those times when you are exhausted, sick, stressed, or physically inactive?
Undertaking a Gut Liver Immune Cleanse in late summer will go a long way to giving you this buffer for the rest of the year. Our detox programs have helped thousands of people over the past 20 years. We get great results without using chemical chelation such as EDTA, or getting people to spend time sweating in saunas, nor any of the extreme measures often advocated. We know that by unloading your immune system—by changing what you eat for a few weeks—while taking about 20 types of medicinal herbs in two mixes, along with a clinical homoeopathic detox medicine (provided in our cleanse kit) you will gently and consistently remove these and other chemicals safely within about 40 days.

Our standard Gut Liver Immune Cleanse Kit includes:

  • A guide to the detoxification program
  • Herbal Nutrition
  • Herbal Detox medicines and homeopathics for the liver, kidney, GIT, lymph and immune system.

You will also need to purchase:

  • Hydrated bentonite
  • Combantrin or Combantrin-1
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Bicarbonate soda.
  • Vitamin-B complex and Vitamin-C.
  • Modified citrus pectin—an excellent chelating agent to help sponge-up toxins without depleting your body of zinc, calcium or magnesium.
  • Activated carbon to change your bowel environment and improve colon detoxification.

You can do our cleanse any time- you can purchase here, or contact the clinic. If you’d like support to do your cleanse check out our upcoming group cleanse!

Support Group Cleanse

We are running a Support Group 40 Day Cleanse Program starting February 15. So there’s no need to do a detox by yourself! We understand all the ups and downs to undertaking a cleanse and we will be with you every step of the way!
The Support Group Cleanse Program includes the standard herbal cleanse kit (listed above) plus:

  • Informative video introduction by Bill Giles explaining how the cleanse works and how boosting your immune system is the key to improving your health.
  • Membership to a private Facebook group where you can ask questions, share your experiences, see recipes and tips and tricks. New information will be posted to the group daily.
  • Access to the Bill Giles Health Ecology team via email if you have any questions or concerns that aren’t answered via the Facebook group.
  • Discounted consultations with Larisa Zoska throughout your cleanse.

We’re here to help

People rarely have problems with our cleanses and if you do have a concern we can assist you safely through the program.
Larisa Zoska will help you with all your questions, and provide you with tips and recipes on the private Facebook group page.  If you would like more support from a clinical perspective, contact us to book a consultation to further your insights into your health. You can book 15 minute appointments to assist you through your cleanse if you need to, or a longer and more comprehensive appointment.  Larisa is a herbalist at the Canberra Medical Ecology Centre. With 18 years experience she amalgamates her own expertise in Western Herbal Medicine with Bill Giles Health Ecology approach and concepts to health and wellbeing. 
Jo Roy is also available to support you as you undertake lifestyle changes. Jo is a certified Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, who can offer support through your cleanse with shopping and cooking ideas, motivation and moral support!  At times through your cleanse you may find yourself looking at life differently so you can also get support for anything else that comes up.  Jo is passionate about coaching women to see themselves in the best light they can and fall in love with themselves.  Jo can be contacted at T: 0421 889 164 /

Restore your health and vitality for the year ahead

Once the toxins are removed, you will feel younger with more energy, better memory, alertness, better sleep, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, improved digestion and better elimination with reduced joint pain, stiffness, while having more ‘get-up-and-go’. You will have created the buffer you require for the year ahead!