by | Apr 15, 2020 | Autoimmune Disease, Natural Therapy
The sociocultural adjustments we have been enduring, due to the CoVid19 shutdown, could possibly herald the biggest social adjustment of our generation. Decisions in the next few weeks, made by people in power, in their attempts to control the coronavirus, will shape...
by | Mar 24, 2020 | Autoimmune Disease, Media
You are probably beginning to understand that the coronavirus is one of your everyday common cold viruses, which infects the upper respiratory tract—it is everywhere. You probably have some in your nose right now! The common cold is considered to be the most...
by | Jul 4, 2017 | Emotions, Mind, Relationships
To have and maintain loving relationships require that you weave your life with another person’s. So is Fructose Frying your Relationships? This weaving requires you to surrender part of yourself, while they too must also do this—so that the fabric of the...