A Breathalyzer Test For Lung Cancer

A Breathalyzer Test For Lung Cancer

It is known that dogs can smell tumors, because there are distinct chemicals produced by a cancer mass when it surpasses a certain size. Recently a team of Israeli, American, and British cancer researchers have developed a device to detect lung cancer, just by...
Sensationalism and reporting medical research

Sensationalism and reporting medical research

It seems every month or so there is another big story in the media about ‘new research’ ‘proving/finding’ something that is ‘good/bad’ for us. The latest being the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) research labelling processed meats as carcinogenic, and red meat as...
Cancer explained: signs and symptoms

Cancer explained: signs and symptoms

The word cancer strikes fear into the heart of most—but it doesn’t have to be that way. Feel more in control by improving your understanding of the disease. Register for the upcoming webinar – Healing Cancer will help you understand your options for cancer...