by | Dec 11, 2015 | Diet, Food, Gluten-free, Grain-free, Paleo, Personal Food Trials, Sugar, Your Signature Diet
Most of our important family and social events involve food. Christmas, birthdays, and celebrations usually incorporate food in symbolic and important ways. December and January are months where we holiday, celebrate and align with our family and friends—and we use...
by | Nov 27, 2015 | Diet, Ecology, Health, Paleo
It seems every month or so there is another big story in the media about ‘new research’ ‘proving/finding’ something that is ‘good/bad’ for us. The latest being the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) research labelling processed meats as carcinogenic, and red meat as...
by | Nov 23, 2015 | Diet, Food, Nutrition, Paleo, Your Signature Diet
News earlier this month from the World Health Organisation that processed meats cause bowel cancer, and red meat “probably” does too, sent shockwaves across the globe. There’s been a mixed response from health professionals, scientists, farmers and the...
by | Oct 6, 2015 | Diet, Ecology, Food, Gluten-free, Grain-free, Paleo, Personal Food Trials, Your Signature Diet
Let’s talk about a Customized Diet Plan The now popular paleo diet assists health because it restricts certain plant foods though a Customized Diet Plan. Although people may be living longer, most need more visits to their doctor because of chronic physical and...
by | Aug 26, 2015 | allergies, coeliac disease, Diet, Food, Gluten-free, Grain-free, Grains / Fructose, Health, Nutrition, Paleo, Personal Food Trials, Your Signature Diet
Our society and culture promote eating grain foods. Foods made from wheat, rye, oats, barley, millet, rice and corn are cultivated all over the world, are readily accessible, cheap and even considered by some nutritionists to be a key part of a healthy diet. This...
by | Aug 5, 2015 | Diet, Food, Grain-free, Paleo, Personal Food Trials, Your Signature Diet
Don’t you find all diets can be proven? There’s a huge range of diet books and dieting plans around, all promising to change your life. It is confusing and for many people frustrating. The issue is not that these people are trying to scam or con you – for...