by | Nov 23, 2015 | Diet, Food, Nutrition, Paleo, Your Signature Diet
News earlier this month from the World Health Organisation that processed meats cause bowel cancer, and red meat “probably” does too, sent shockwaves across the globe. There’s been a mixed response from health professionals, scientists, farmers and the...
by | Aug 26, 2015 | allergies, coeliac disease, Diet, Food, Gluten-free, Grain-free, Grains / Fructose, Health, Nutrition, Paleo, Personal Food Trials, Your Signature Diet
Our society and culture promote eating grain foods. Foods made from wheat, rye, oats, barley, millet, rice and corn are cultivated all over the world, are readily accessible, cheap and even considered by some nutritionists to be a key part of a healthy diet. This...
by | Jul 28, 2015 | Diet, Food, Grains / Fructose, Nutrition, Paleo, Sugar, Your Signature Diet
Sugar has been attracting a lot of press over the past few years—and little of it good! A lot of people have ‘quit sugar’ and seen the enormous benefits of doing so. Giving up the sugar, and more importantly fructose, will benefit pretty much everyone...
by | Jul 21, 2015 | Autoimmune Disease, Cancer, Diet, Health, Immune system, Mind, Natural Therapy, Nutrition
All of us, regardless of age and circumstance, have small numbers of cancer cells in our bodies. A strong healthy immune system has the ability to control and remove cancer cells so they never accumulate into masses that can disrupt the function of our organs and kill...
by | Jun 30, 2015 | Diet, Food, Nutrition, Your Signature Diet
Until the early 1950s, fat was just a normal part of the average person’s diet—people were not overweight and heart disease was relatively rare. Then came Ancel Keys, a nutritionist from the University of Minnesota. Keys published a six-country study in 1953 and...
by | Jun 6, 2015 | Diet, Food, Health, Nutrition
At home treatment for colds Almost all strains of the common cold-causing viruses are able to survive for considerable lengths of time in the generally cooler environments of the nose than the warmer lung environments. This occurs in part because immune system defence...