Larisa Zoska
Hello, I’m Larisa Zoska and I am a Dorothy Hall qualified herbalist experienced in homeopathy, bioenergetic medicine, nutrition, and Neuroemotional Techniques (NETs). I began working with Bill Giles as an apprentice 24 years ago and have been a full-time practitioner working in the Canberra Medical Ecology Centre since then.
I truly enjoy helping people overcome illness and disease and my greatest reward is the smiles and thanks I receive when my clients tell me they are healthy again. I have specialised in foods and the connection to immune dysfunction and scarring. I run the KickStart Program mentioned in this website. I take people through Signature Diet trials, customised cleanse/detoxes, and Fructose Challenges. I customise herbal and homoeopathic medicine for my clients.
Personally, I am an enthusiast for ketogenic diets, and I’m very much a supporter of individual Signature Diets as soon as people start to suffer chronic ill-health symptoms. I practice what I preach and enjoy my time in the kitchen whipping up delicious but healthy meals which I put on instagram for my family, friends and clients to enjoy. I have a beautiful dog “Charles”, and I live in Bowral in a pleasant house with riotous gardens. I love being in nature, running, surfing and taking photographs. I have a black belt in traditional Okinawan Goju-ryu karate, but don’t practice enough.
I am qualified as a Classical yoga teacher from the Samyama School of Yoga, and assist with the personal development courses run through our clinic. Yoga is so liberating. My passion and calling in life, is to help people by sharing my hard-won knowledge and understanding of the tools and techniques to stay healthy with ageing, by determining the various basic causes of illness, using medicines, therapies and alterations to lifestyle to get lasting results.
I have seen so much reward when my clients say they now understand why they have been getting sick. I am a big advocate of people being in control of their health, and not a medical system. I am passionate about teaching the biological approach to health and ageing gracefully. I just want everyone to feel energetic and lively, in control of their bodies, and free of illness.
Phone me and let’s discuss the ways I could help you improve your health.